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Energy-Efficient Ending of the New Year and Christmas Holidays

Green Energy Transition in Boryslav

Importance of Energy Saving for Ukraine

  Energy saving today is one of the most important tasks for the Ukrainian economy. Therefore, more and more united territorial communities are moving to alternative energy sources.

  The first Energy Farm in Ukraine has been operating in Ternopil region for  three years now. The project was implemented with the financial support of Norway. They grow five varieties of unique energy crops  - these plants are an alternative to natural gas and oil. Borshchiv Agricultural College also participates in the project - there are training specialists in renewable energy. According to the director of the Energy Farm - Center for Bioenergy M. Humentyk, the center can provide bioenergy crops  or plants  to all of western Ukraine.

  Other regions of Ukraine are also switching to alternative heating sources. A plant for the production of fuel briquettes was recently built in Cherkasy region. Odesa region  uses straw as an alternative fuel for schools. In Kharkiv region , educational institutions are also heated from alternative sources. All these projects will save from 30% to 50% of the funds from local heating budgets.

New Achievements in the Field of  Bio-and Renewable Energy



"The village that challenged Gasprom" Said No to natural gas, and over the next two year the village reduced budget expenditures for energy consumption by 2 times. Self-sufficiency of energy resources afforded the possibility to become efficient and independent. Here we created "the energy yard"

Installed a pyrolysis boiler. This boiler reduced energy costs by 2 times and paid for itself in one season. The boiler works on local biomass which is processed using a wood chipper. All the municipal and commercial buildings are heated with these wood chips. In addition to affordable heat, the village also got new jobs.

In 2010 the medical point was equipped with a geo-thermal pump.

This pump reduced the heating cost by 7 times. The children are also informed in energy-patriotism. The kindergarten is equipped with solar water heater and biomass boiler. So the children are always secured warmth and hot water.

All this works thanks to local renewable energy resources.



The center "Bioenergy" conducts research and education...on growing energy crops and the use of biomass. because its potential can supply 2,5 times the need for natural gas. Here they grow different energy crops Miscanthus is especially efficient and an ecological clean crop. After 4 year of growing is accumulates 15-20 ton biomass which is equal to 7,2 - 9,2 ton coal per hectare. The useful life of one planting is close to 20 years And commercial growing is 15 years In addition to effectiveness, the production of bio-fuel is ecological. The Energy Farm secures 98% of its energy needs using "clean" energy. The "Farm" can produce 6 times its own energy needs and sell the remaining energy, heat and fuel, to the local market.




A germanmodul-type heating system with two boilers is installed in the combined kindergarten-school building The boilers use briquettes, produced at the local factory, from locally sourced straw This is accomplished through a Public-Private Partnership, which reduced the price of briquettes by 40-45% as well as logistics costs.The school was fully insulated, and the 2017-18 savings for heating expenditures was 82%, a record in Ukraine.The medical point is an example of an energy autonomous building.It is heated by an air/water heat pump anddor the 2017-18 heating season the savings were 90% The mini-Solar PV system on the roof fully covers the building's electrical needs. All the street lights in the village were changed to LED lights, produced in Kharkiv which has automatic light adjustments Thanks to this, in 2017 the village saved 314 500 UAH, 87% cost reduction compared to pre-LED lighting.  


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